Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Hole in my Pocket

So let me start by clearing up a common misconception about people my age, are at least as it applies in regard to myself. I am great with money: budgeting, long-term savings, and overall making sure that I have a nice comfy cushion to fall back on when life throws curveballs.
I moved out on my own one week after turning 17. I could pay for food, bills, and still maintain a 93% average throughout my grade 12 year (yes that was me tooting my own horn). Meanwhile, I was able, at the end of each month put money away into savings to ensure that my happy comfy pillow would grow. I worked hard, and thus figured that once having acquired a job up in Kelowna, along with my fiancĂ©e who works full time, I would be on easy street. Well you know what they say when you assume something *ahem* and I have to say things have not gone quite according to plan.
University is expensive! It's about $7000 for my program over the course of one year... One year!!! That works out to about $583.33 a month. Sure, maybe I could afford it by working if a) I had a full-time job or b), I worked multiple part-time jobs, but honestly having never attended university before I don't want to overwhelm myself. Ouch. I just dropped $1000, on textbooks and that was only for the "required ones." There's a host more that are suggested, and currently I'm hoping that I don't end up needing them.
Scholarships are a wonderful thing. If I could change one thing from my grade 12 years, it would be that I spent more time applying. studentawards.com is a great starting place. Since the beginning of summer, I've been applying to a host of them (essay, upon essay, upon essay), and I assure you this blog is not a good indicator of my writing style. There are a couple of other scholarship sites that I stumbled across as well, and am currently testing out. I'll get back to you later about how those work out. Anyhow have I won any? Yes... but not nearly enough. I hear about people who won full rides, and I cringe a bit inside, wishing I applied myself more. Meh, C'est la vie I suppose.
Work is great. I love my colleagues, and I love the fact I'm at the busiest Starbucks location in Kelowna. I'm never bored at work, and the hours fly by. However, oh I'm tired haha. It's not the amount of hours, but rather working until 11:45 one night, walking two-hour home, getting two hours of sleep, and then getting up to attend the 4am shift. Today has been my first day off in seven days, and I spent a vast majority of it (up to 12:30pm) sleeping.
I have my N test booked. I desperately need a car. Really truly I do. Three hours of my day is spent commuting what would otherwise take me 22 minutes, and that's with traffic. Sometimes longer if I'm working past 11 or before 6, because the busses don't run at those times. That's another thing I really regret not doing in high school - passing my N.

Anyhow on the food front: My empty pantry is empty no more!!!

Tonight we are having 7 layer tostadas, recipe courtesy of Kalyn's Kitchen.

Confession time. I don't like olives, and I don't like avocados... or tomatoes... actually come to think of it there isn't a lot of vegetables I like. Which is specifically why I'm trying out this recipe.

In an effort to sneak more nutritious food in I'm going to make the recipe as directed. I'll let you know how it goes and even post some pictures *gasp*. I hope this will be the beginning of what I had initially intended this blog to be predominantly about... food.

Photo Credit: The gorgeous photo above was taken by the wonderful Kalyn of Kalyn's kitchen. I only wish my food photos were that pretty.

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